1 Wing Commander IV 2 High performance timer unavailable. 3 Windows has run out of virtual memory. See the README.TXT file for help on adjusting your virtual memory setup. 4 VirtualProtect() failed. 5 Movie not found - %s 6 Direct Draw Lock() failed. 7 DirectDraw mode switch failed. 8 Wing Commander 4 Mutex 9 Object '%s' loaded. 10 System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaProperties\PrivateProperties\joystick\OEM\ 12 System\CurrentControlSet\control\MediaResources\joystick\ 13 \CurrentJoystickSettings 14 Joystick1OEMName 15 OEMName 16 DirectDraw 640x480 unavailable. Returned width=%d 17 Wing Commander IV is not compatible with this desktop video mode.\n(Video device does not support StretchDIB.) 18 You do not have enough virtual memory to run WC4.\nPlease consult the README.TXT file for instructions on\nincreasing the amount of virtual memory on your system. 19 WC4 Memory Check 20 Wing Commander IV is already running. Click 'OK', then click the "Wing Commander IV" button on the task bar. 21 Full screen mode initialization failed. Please refer to the README.TXT file about conflicts with desktop settings. 4609 Seek failed on file: %s 4610 Read failed on file: %s 4611 Write failed on file: %s 4612 Open failed on file: %s 4613 Close failed on file: %s 4614 File already open: %s 4615 Attempted read from unopened file: %s 4616 Attempted read from WRITEONLY file: %s 4617 Attempt to read 0 bytes: %s 4618 Read from NULL pointer: %s 4619 Attempted write to unopened file: %s 4620 Attempt to write to READONLY file: %s 4621 Attempt to write 0 bytes: %s 4622 Write from NULL pointer: %s 4623 Unable to increase size of child file: %s 4624 Attempt to seek on closed file: %s 4625 Invalid storage type: %s 4626 Can't convert to old format. %s contains a new storage type. 4627 Incompatible packfile version: %s 4628 Packet number out of range: %s 4629 PacketFile::reserve would require an insert: %s 4630 Not enough memory for compression: %s 4631 CVMManager:: Alloc request larger than memory pool. 4632 CVMManager:: out of memory. 4633 MAX_TREES (=%d) exceeded. 4634 Bad attempt at re-initing a tree, '%s' 4635 Attempt to re-init() a Tree. 4636 %s: Bad TreeFile format. 4637 TreeFile:: max open children exceeded. 4638 Application files could not be found on the local hard drive or \non any CD ROM drive. The game CD is either missing, invalid,\nor may need cleaning. 4639 Windows has run out of virtual memory. See the README.TXT file for help on adjusting your virtual memory setup.